"Supporting us is also supporting democracy."
Bobo's experience witnessing the military's violent crackdown on Buddhist monks in 2007 was a pivotal moment in his life. It led him to realize that individual success and security were impossible as long as the corrupt military regime remained in power. Bobo then joined an underground collective called Generation Wave, which was formed following the uprising in 2007. The group's work was dangerous, and Bobo has been in the crosshairs since he was a teenager. He shared his full life story with us in a recent podcast discussion.
Following the military coup in 2021, Bobo began working to mobilize the populace into action with massive nonviolent protests and strikes in key sectors. However, the military has responded with live munitions, forcing Generation Wave to be creative in their approach. While the group is committed to nonviolent resistance, there is an understanding that each part of the movement is equally important in countering the Tatmadaw. This includes nonviolent action, armed resistance, the Civil Disobedience Movement, sanctions from the West, recognition of the NUG, and even armed resistance.
Despite the toll it is taking on him personally, Bobo is committed to playing his role in the movement. He admits that he wants a normal life like other people, but all his energy and commitment are for the revolution and the movement.
“When you’re supporting to us means you’re bringing peace to Myanmar. It is also bringing peace and democracy for this world.”
“You cannot wait cannot wait and see. You have to take action. So, you may ask what actions you need to take. Take all the actions that you can do! For example, to accuse to the military members at the International Court. Please do it - you have a lot of evidence; you have got proof already. Just take action! Now, China and Russia object; so, then try to convince them. You can use your power; you can use your liberty. You can use your freedom or you can put more pressure on. This is what you can do, where you can take action.
Humanitarian assistance is urgently needed in the country; so, when you are supporting that, try not to cooperate with the military regime. Try to cooperate with the ethnic organizations or civil society organizations who support humanitarian assistance inside the country. And of course, recognize NUG as a legitimate government of the country, of Myanmar! Support them. And do not accept, do not recognize the military regime as a legitimate one. When you do actions, do not cooperate, don't relate with the military regime. For example, offering weapons or supporting weapons, don't do that. Because these weapons are killing people in Myanmar. They are killing the people of Myanmar, the ones that you are selling.
Very recently the military used a bomb in an airstrike killing masses of people, killing children. A killing bomb blasted into the school. They are using these. So, if you are supporting in that way, if you are giving legitimacy to the military, that will happen much more and more. If you support the military, many more people will be dead. So, don't do that! In trying to support, do your best. I feel that people who would like to take action, who would like to support, will find a way to support, to take action.
We appreciate those who are supporting, and who are doing that, but at the same time, we would also say, do it quickly! One cannot take time, because many people are dying here. So, please do it quickly! For the international people, try to listen to the voices of Myanmar and try to encourage your government to take action! Because your government will listen to your voices if you put pressure on them. Please use your liberty to promote us, to support us. When you're supporting us is also supporting democracy. When you're supporting to us means you're bringing peace to Myanmar. It is also bringing peace and democracy for this world. So please do that.”