Invitation to Monkhood
Ledi Sayadaw: "His fervour and fiery zeal effected real revival..."
"Can I take photos when giving dana?"
The Third Set of Robes
"10 Reasons You Should go to Burma"
"What is the difference between novitation and full bhikkhu ordination?"
"Falser than the Roman's conception of Britain..."
"Coming back to Shwe Oo Min Yangon
An Inspiring Memory
Burma DhammaAnauk Monastery, Bhante Agga, Dr. Khin Maung Aye, Ingyinbin, Muditā Works, Pariyatti yatra, Russell Quinn, Saya Thet Gyi, Shwe Kyin Monastery, Shwedagon Pagoda, shinpyu
"How is your food?" "Not bad. I’m a vegetarian.’”
Burma DhammaIMC, Kaba Aye Pagoda, Maha Gandayone, Pa Auk, Sayadaw U Tejawontha, Sayagyi U Ba Khin, Shwe Mok Htaw Pagoda, U Goenka, Yaw Sayadaw, vegetarian
From the Other Side of the Mirror
Burma Dhamma Year in Photos 2014
"It has given me a sense of security and purpose in life which I never thought possible."
Eating Vegetarian at Burmese Monasteries
"Craig's Retreat"
Patipatti Side of Webu Monastery in Ingyinbin
Dhamma Video
Jenny Phillips discusses the Dhamma Brothers on Oprah Winfrey Part 2
"Being the Only Meditator in the Monastery"
Burma DhammaBurmese culture, India, Kalaw, Kathina, Mexico, Shwe Oo Min Monastery, Vietnam, Waso, foreign monks, samatha
Sayadaw U Tejaniya in Kalaw 5