Excerpt from "Fearless Mountain"
"Through the Looking Glass"
Burma DhammaJohn Dinsmore, Russia, Sagaing, Sayadaw U Nyanissara, Sitagu Academy, United States, Zen, " Bhikkhu Cintita, "Through the Looking Glass, foreign monks, ordination
The Sagaing Hills: "A Fairyland of Pagodas"
Dhamma discussion at Shwe Kyin Monastery
A Burma Pilgrimage: "The Benefits should not be Overlooked"
Abhidhamma Course at Sitagu during 2014 Rains Retreats
Kittens in the Dhamma Hall
Dhamma Found in a Burmese Teashop
Burma DhammaBagan, Burmese food, Kaunghmudaw, Mandalay, Mingun, Monastic Life, Pariyatti yatra, Sagaing, Sam Hanft, U Goenka, U Pinnisami, amarapura, inwa, tea
The Monk and the Fly
Shwekyin novices chant at evening
Webu Sayadaw Dhamma Hall in Ingyinbin gets a fresh coat of paint
"The Beauty of Burmese Life is Hard to Qualify."
Burma DhammaBranden Macie, Burmese culture, Dhamma Joti, Dhamma Patapa, Ledi Sayadaw, Living Vipassana, Mohnyin Sayadaw, Pariyatti yatra, Pindapat, Sain Pyin Gyi, Sayagyi U Ba Khin, Thanboddhay Monastery, "Soul of a People"
"S.N Goenka: His Life, His Dhamma" Part 2
Information about Abhidhamma Course at Sitagu Academy in the Sagaing Hills
"S.N. Goenka: His Life, His Dhamma" Part 1
A Bhikkhu's Single Meal: Alms Rounds In Burma
Abhidhamma Course for International Meditators
San Kyaung Building at Webu Sayadaw Monastery in Ingyinbin
Pa Auk Retreat Winter 2012-2013