Your Donation Improves the Morale

In a standoff like we are now seeing three months into this coup, the morale of both sides becomes of critical importance. We wrote yesterday how a small team of protesters of actively working to weaken the already low morale of the soldiers, encouraging them to drop their weapons and refuse to do the bidding of the dark forces any longer.

At the same time, this team also recognizes the value of strengthening the morale of their own side. Towards these ends, yesterday they printed tens of thousands of papers encouraging the people to continue their struggle for democracy, and tossed these in strategic places throughout Yangon.

This was all made possible by your donation. This group was able to print many thousands of copies of these pages before heading out on the dangerous mission to scatter them throughout the city. They have more such campaigns planned, but can only implement them if you are able to further support their work.

Following is an English translation of their work. The translator notes that most of the phrases were used in the context of wordplay in Burmese language and it could be difficult to convey them fully in English.

'The more they gun down, the closer their downfall comes'

1. The military institution must perish for this country to thrive.

2. Some kinds of silence stems from neither fear nor from being forgotten.

3. The megalomaniac and vicious perpetrators called the military junta are more petrified, so they pretend to have power.

4. Under this oppression, the fear of being oppressed will come to disappear.

5. Behind the silence is a loud roar!

6. God cannot grant Democracy to this country. We must fight for it.

7. In this war of truth, in addition to meditating and praying, you will may need to have the courage to handle a cleaver knife at least.

8. The day when the people are prepared, there is no way these illegal and greedy military junta can unite to withstand.

9. At the end of this fight for justice, those vicious perpetrators will be trounced and held accountable for their war crimes.

10. You have already participated in the protests. Our people, don't get used to injustice and let your guard down.

11. In order for Myanmar to flourish, don't turn your back on politics, our people. Each person has the responsibility, including myself.

12. The sacrifices that our fallen heroes made and the investment of lives by the living heroes in order for Myanmar to become a judicious, liberal and disciplined democratic country in the future, will never be down the drain. We, all the people, are still on the right track to success.

13. Loss is the beginning of success . When there is tenacity, mindfulness and willpower to succeed, we will certainly achieve victory.

May this revolution certainly win

May this revolution certainly win

May this revolution certainly win

Shwe Lan Ga Lay