Education in the Sagaing Hils

East of Mandalay across the Irrawaddy River are the hills of Sagaing, a region full of monastic and lay communities with thousands of young students, many novice monks and nuns. Today with the military coup in full force, a majority of the students and teachers have quit and abandoned their own schools out of fear and their own safety. With most of the schools being operated by the government, teachers and parents of students are either afraid of a violent onslaught at any moment or they simply do not want to support the government and have withdrawn from their schools.

Many of the CDM teachers in Sagaing have lost their jobs and have no other sources of income. They have no other choice but to create their own, private underground classrooms, keeping students engaged, learning and safe in the shadows of the military coup. Funding is desperately needed to support these efforts and sacrifices made by teachers, parents and students.

One of the many problems faced by the teachers and students is the lack of money and supplies to survive, teach and learn during these tumultuous, dire times.

Thanks to generous donors in the past, some students and teachers of Sagaing were able to secure food and school supplies allowing them to survive but their needs are intensifying by the day. With the great number of teachers and students in need throughout the hills and communities of Sagaing, continual donations are extremely urgent.

The students and families are very poor, barely affording $2 a month to support their child’s education. For most students, all it takes is $4-5 a month to support their learning which includes food and supplies.

Community leaders are currently in position to receive funding to get supplies and emergency relief the the teachers and students right away. We are urgently in need of donations to extend our reach to as many young students and teachers in Sagaing as we can. Please donate today.

Reoccurring monthly donations work best at supporting the continual needs of a child's education.

Shwe Lan Ga Lay