Typing Burmese

The Burmese alphabet is an abugida used to write the Burmese language. It is derived from the Mon script, which was in use in the Pagan Kingdom, and the Pyu script, which was in use in the Kingdom of Nanzhao and the Kingdom of Dali. The alphabet consists of 33 letters, of which 20 are consonants and 13 are vowels.

The Burmese alphabet is written from left to right and does not have upper or lower case letters. Each letter has an inherent vowel, which can be changed with diacritics. The consonants are divided into two groups: the solid consonants, which are unaspirated, and the aspirated consonants, which are pronounced with a slight puff of air. The aspirated consonants are written with a small circle above the letter.

Burmese has a phonemic orthography, meaning that each letter corresponds to a single sound. However, there are some irregularities. For example, the consonant င (ng) is pronounced differently depending on whether it is at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of a word.

The best way to type Burmese on a computer is to use a Unicode font. Unicode is a standard that specifies a unique code point, or number, for every character in every writing system in the world. This means that you can type any character in any language using a Unicode font.

There are many Unicode fonts available for free on the internet, such as Gentium, Andika, and Padauk. Once you have downloaded and installed a Unicode font, you can start typing in Burmese.

To type a consonant with an inherent vowel, simply type the letter. For example, to type the letter က (ka), simply press the "k" key on your keyboard. To type a consonant with a different vowel, type the consonant followed by the appropriate vowel diacritic. For example, to type ကိ (ki), type the "k" key, then type the "i" key with the Shift key held down.

To type an aspirated consonant, type the letter with the Shift key held down. For example, to type ခ (hka), type the "h" key with the Shift key held down.

You can change the order of the consonants and vowels in a word by using the Shift key. For example, to type ကောင်း (kaung), type the "k" key, then type the "u" key with the Shift key held down, then type the "a" key, then type the "n" key, and finally type the "g" key.

You can type a space by pressing the Spacebar on your keyboard.

You can type a full stop (.) by pressing the Shift key and the full stop key at the same time.

You can type a comma (,) by pressing the Shift key and the comma key at the same time.

You can type a question mark (?) by pressing the Shift key and the question mark key at the same time.

You can type an exclamation mark (!) by pressing the Shift key and the exclamation mark key at the same time.