Chaung Oo Samosa Salad
Ledi Sayadaw's Legacy
A Book on the Jhanas, by Sayagyi U Ba Khin
In Monywa, They Don’t Meat Their Saviors
Metta-Bhavana Retreat at Chan Myay Myaing
LEARNING TO DYE - An Offering from the Trees
"The Sasana has some Life in it."
"The Only Thing that I was Missing was to be Reborn as a Man."
Mandalay Dhamma Practice: Fantasy Meets Reality
Shwebo: A Place of Resistance and Dhamma
Burma DhammaAung Myay, Hladau, Insein, Jataka, King Alaungpaya, Sayadaw U Pandita, Shwebo, Tabayin, Tadahgalay Village, Tazfe, U Sarana, U Yit, Webu Sayadaw, Ye-O, dacoit
Syriam: from Orwell to Ledi Sayadaw, where the Great Game met the great Dhamma practitioners...
Burma DhammaArmenia, Burmah Oil Company, George Bird, George Orwell, Gonnyinsu, Henzada, Ledi Sayadaw, Mahasi Sayadaw, Mohnyin Sayadaw, Philip de Brito, Saya Thet Gyi, Saya U Than, Syriam, Than Lyin, church
Liberation through the Kanni Method of Vipassana and Samatha
45-Day Course in the Tradition of Saya Thet Gyi
Passing of Shwegyin Sayadaw
Impromptu Anapana Instructions
Meditators + Carpentry Skills = A Ticket to the Golden Land!
Extending Your Burmese Meditation Visa in Myanmar
Sending Metta to President Donald J. Trump
Wisdom of Mindfulness Meditation Retreat in Yangon
The Ledi Mu Monastery