Shwe Oo Min Monastery Pindapat Alms Round Burma DhammaNovember 8, 2013Pindapat, Shwe Oo Min Monastery, monksComment
Long Ago Sayadaws of the Sagaing Hills Burma DhammaNovember 6, 2013Ngettwin Sayadaw, Sagaing, Taung Lai Lon SayadawComment
Burmese Dogs: A Bark Worse Than Its Bite Burma DhammaNovember 5, 2013Burmese culture, "Soul of a People", dogsComment
Introducing Burmese Buddhist Opportunities in Thailand Burma DhammaNovember 3, 2013Burma, Chan Myay Myaing Monastery, Look Out Magazine, Monywa, Muditā Works, Shwe Oo Min Monastery, Thailand, Thanboddhay Monastery, U GoenkaComment
Shwe Lan Preview: HEALTH Burma DhammaOctober 26, 2013Health, Shwe Lan Layout Preview, Shwe Lan updates, ThanakaComment
Mandalay and Orientalism Burma DhammaOctober 24, 2013Burmese history, Mandalay, Shwe Lan updatesComment
Various views on the practice of "Pindabat", or the alms rounds of monks Burma DhammaOctober 19, 2013Pindapat, "Soul of a People", foreign monks, monksComment
The Myin Ma Hti Caves near Kalaw Burma DhammaOctober 16, 2013Kalaw, Myin Ma Hti Caves, Shan State, cavesComment
Scattering of Goenkaji Ashes takes place Burma DhammaOctober 12, 2013U Goenka remains, U GoenkaComment
Scattering of Ashes of U Goenka in Mandalay Burma DhammaOctober 10, 2013Sagaing, Sitagu Academy, U Goenka remains, U GoenkaComment
Original Artwork in Shwe Lan Ga Lay: "A Mindful Walk" Burma DhammaOctober 10, 2013Shwe Lan Layout Preview, Shwe Lan updatesComment
Webu Sayadaw Monastery at Ingyinbin, Upper Myanmar Burma DhammaOctober 9, 2013Ingyinbin, Sayagyi U Ba Khin, Shwe Lan Layout Preview, Shwe Lan updates, U Ko Lay, Upper Burma, Webu SayadawComment
Los Angeles Times reports on U Goenka's passing from Yangon Burma DhammaOctober 9, 2013U Goenka remains, U GoenkaComment